Friday, October 31, 2008
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH lukisan gue ilang di sekolah tai babi ngeselin banget sumpah gak boong fuck shit ck eek banget sih errrr -_- padahal lumyan tuh lukisannya buatan gue sendiri huhuhuhuhuhu pasti ada yang ngambil tuh saking bagusnya HAHAHAHAHAHHA CANDA. pkoknya yang ngambil bisulan di idung!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YANG NEMUIN KALO CEWEK GUE JADIIN SAHABAT KALO COWOK GUE JADIIN PACAR (boong). lukisannya kayak pemandangan gitu, yang nemuin sapa gue di msn, ntar gue kasih hadiah yang spesssssssssssssssssial
my rapot
tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak hari ini pembagian rapooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot (lebay parah). nyokap gue yang ngambil dia dateng jam 2 kurang gitu. terus kan ngantri emang udah banyaak yang dateng, gue nunggu di liar kelas sambil deg-degan temen gue yang lain juga gitu. lama banget kan tuh nyokap gue keluar, gue udah penasaran aja, akhirnya gue kedalem kelas nyamperin nyokap gue yang lagi baca rapot. pas gue liat ternyata nilainya lumayan lah gak jelek-jelek amat walaupun emang jelek. yang dibawah 75 ada dua mat sama bahasa indonesia. rata-ratanya 85,07 lumayan laaaaaaaaaaaaah. terus gue ke meja guru ngeliat pringkat uts dan gue dapet pringkat ke 27! oshitttt sebodoh itu kah gue???????????????? terus gue liat ranking my best friend, windy ranking 3 mandy 6 caca 14 helsa 20. oke banget ye gue paling bego diantara mereka -_- dari kelas 8 selalu aja gue yang terendah ckckckkkkkk, tapi gakpapa lah yang penting rapotnya lumayan memuaskan walaupun nggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Secondhand Serenade-Maybe
Didn't you want to hear
The sound of all the places we could go
Do you fear
The expressions on the faces we don't know
It's a cold hard road when you wake up
And I don't think that I
Have the strength to let you go
Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
There goes my ring
It might as well have been shattered
And I'm here to sing
About the things that mattered
About the things that made us feel alive for oh so long
About the things that kept you on my side when I was wrong
Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
And someday, I promise I'll be gone
And someday, I might even sing this song
To you, I might even sing this song, to you
And I was crying alone tonight
And I was wasting all of my life just thinking of you
So just come back we'll make it better
So Just come back I'll make it
Better than it ever was
Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
(I want it all, Don't leave right now)
(I'll give you everything)
Didn't you want to hear
The sound of all the places we could go
Do you fear
The expressions on the faces we don't know
It's a cold hard road when you wake up
And I don't think that I
Have the strength to let you go
Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
There goes my ring
It might as well have been shattered
And I'm here to sing
About the things that mattered
About the things that made us feel alive for oh so long
About the things that kept you on my side when I was wrong
Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
And someday, I promise I'll be gone
And someday, I might even sing this song
To you, I might even sing this song, to you
And I was crying alone tonight
And I was wasting all of my life just thinking of you
So just come back we'll make it better
So Just come back I'll make it
Better than it ever was
Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
(I want it all, Don't leave right now)
(I'll give you everything)
Friday, October 10, 2008
hari pertama sekolah setelah libur panjang
akhirnya sekolah juga..................... hm gimana ya seneng iya biasa iya males juga iya. seneng ya karena ketemu temen-temen ternyata ngangenin juga mereka, biasa ya biasa ajalah(?), males ya bangun paginya itu lohhhh males bangetzzzzz dan tugas. sebenernya sih tanggung juga hari ini masuk padahal sabtu minggu libur mendingan senin aja kan ya biar gak tanggung gitcyhu. tapi yasudahlah gue masuk aja daripada ntar senin diceramahin. di sekolah kita cuma halal bihalal salam-salaman sama guru-guru dan beberapa teman tercinta. oiya sekalian pak tawar daulay sang kepala sekolah berpamitan dia pindah jadi kepala sekolah di sekolah lain karena............. gak usah dibahas lah basi! di kelas cuma main kartu aja. sekolah pulang jam setengah 10an gitu, terus langsung ke gareng bareng helsa, caca, dan windy. gue&helsa mesen baso, caca&windy mesen nasi goreng, kita makannya di ksm. abis makan kita lanjutin main kartu di ksm, pas lagi asik-asik main kartu tiba-tiba ada (kayaknya) guru ksm ngomong gini "dek, disini gak boleh main kartu ntar kalo kak aida tau diambil kartunya" zzzzzzzzzz untung aja lagi rame, kalo sepi? beh malu banget dech kita. gue bingung kenapa sih main kartu dilarang??????????? takut judi? yaelah kita orang baik-baik kali main kartu cuma untuk ya main biasalah. bodo lah ah, back to the topic! kita memutuskan untuk main kartu di menza aja. tau menza kaaaaaaan? pasti gaktau yaaaaaa? ah payah -_-! pas di menza ada satpam gak jelas bikin kita takut main kartu ntar diomelin lagi kayak tadi di ksm. akhirnya kita cuma ngobrol-ngobrol aja, pas lagi ngobrol tiba-tiba gue gatel-gatel, gak lain dan gak bukan (loh?) ternyata di sekitar gue ada banyak banget semut kalo diitung-itung bisa ada 1000 semut (buset -_-) seakan-akan mereka nyerang gue yang sebagai musuhnya (lebay). abis itu kita ke sekolah daripada bentol-bentol kan gak lucu. di sekolah cuma sebentar terus ke gramedia naik busway. di gramedia kita liat-liat novel, si windy beli novel apalah gue lupa, terus gue liat my favorite twilight saga huahaha pengen beli eclipse tapi kagak ada duit mending ntar sama nyokap aja. disana ngobrol-ngobrol terus ke dunkin donouts. abis dari situ kita ke tempat buku lagi, kita ngelanjutin ngobrol tapi gaktau kenapa kita jadi ngobrolin poligami. pas lagi semangat-semangatnya ngobrol tentang poligami ada bapak-bapak sama mba-mba nengok ke kita dengan tampang yang kurang enak dipandang, ada apa dengan mereka? apakah salah kita anak smp ngomongin poligami? atau mungkin si bapak-bapak itu berpoligami dan si mbak-mbak itu dipoligami jadi mereka merasa tersinggung? -_-' yaudah kita ke tempat pojokan gitu buat ngelanjutin ngobrol. jam 2an gue pulang, caca windy juga tapi helsa ksm. nyampe rumah langsung tidur-mandi-nonton-main-baca-nonton-tidur-mimpi.........................................................................
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