Saturday, August 14, 2010


What is the definition of love? Until now I don't know what the true definition of love. I just know that love is when you think about someone all the time. When you always want to beside someone. When you try to forget someone but you can't. When you want to do everything for someone. When you wasting your time just for waiting someone.

Love is............................complicated.

Only love can break a little heart. And also only love can fix a broken little heart. Love can make a coloful life. And also love can make a black and white life.

Cinta tidak harus memiliki. If you love someone, you must happy to see him with someone else. Maybe it's hurt. Maybe in your deepest hurt you still hope him happy with you, not happy with someone else. Or maybe you hope he end his relationship and then he come to you. But if you think like that, it means you're selfish.

When you love someone just be brave to say that you want him to be with you..
When you hold your love don't ever let it go or you will loose your chance to make your dreams come true..

Don't ever leave someone who love you for someone that you love. Because someone who you love will leave you for someone that he loves.

Sorry for this trash post. I just write what in my mind^^

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy fasting!

Ramadhan.. Marhaban ya Ramadhan.. I'm so excited in this fasting month! Btw, please forgive all my mistakes. All little mistakes and big mistakes. Everybody must have a mistake, include me. So, forgive me if I ever made mistake to you. Happy fasting all! Semoga amal ibadah kita di bulan puasa ini diterima oleh Allah SWT. Amin :-)


Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm back :D

Hello everyone I'm back :DDDDDDD pasti kalian pada kangen sama aku kan? ;p iya emang nih udah beberapa bulan belakangan ini ga pernah lagi ngepost. Ini aja gatau kenapa tiba-tiba hasrat ngepost gue muncul lagi.

Eh eh ngga kerasa loh gue udah mau kelas 2 lagi hihi. Padahal kemaren kayaknya baru aja masuk SMA. Ohya di postingan sebelum ini gue ngepost kalo "junior high school is the best moment" pengen gue ralat!!!! Ternyata SMA jauh lebih menyenangkan loh. Dan sekarang gue mau bilang kalo "high school is better than junior high school" :D gatau kenapa rasanya lebih nyaman aja. Lebih kompak sama temen-temen. Terus ya mungkin lebih dewasa aja........Sok -_-

Gue lagi dilema nih. Bingung banget. Bingung antara milih IPA sama IPS. Sebenernya gue pengen IPA soalnya gue suka Fisika sama Kimia. Tapi masalahnya nilai Biologi gue kurang dari cukup :( kalo IPS jujur gue kurang suka pelajarannya :s jadinya gimana dong? Bahasa aja apa? Sesese. Tapi sekarang gue masih berusaha buat memperjuangkan nilai Biologi gue! Doain ya kawan-kawan :)

Eh hari Senin udah mulai UAS nih. Doain ya gue lancar ngerjain UASnya, ngga ada yang remed jadi bisa naik kelas. Kalo bisa masuk IPA juga. Thankyou gan :DDD